Lab & Instruments Lab Facilities Shared Facilities Software Available Instruments installed or to be installed in our lab. AB Sciex 6500+ UPLC-MS/MS Thermo Exploris 120 UPLC-Orbitrap-HRMS Agilent 8860-5977B GC-MSD Mass Spectrometry Lab Freeze Dryer Combustion IC Agilent Infinity 1260ll Thermo Dionex Aquion RFIC Anaerobic Chamber PFX50C Photolysis Reactors (x2) Centrifuge Rotary Evaporator Oven METTLER TOLEDO Balance(x2) Shakers (x2) Water Bath Shakers (x2) SPE and Nitrogen Blow System Milli-Q IQ-7000 METTLER TOLEDO pH Meters Lab Picture Lab Picture